What are Sea Scouts?
Sea Scout Troops are very similar to any other Scout Troop - we have the same aim but use a special emphasis on water activities and maritime training within our programme. Water activities can provide the adventure and adrenaline rush that youngsters are looking for. Boats allow Scouts to work as a team with the penalty of getting wet if they don’t. Water activities are an area where skills and age do not necessarily correlate and provides an ideal opportunity to teach each other.
Health / Permission Form
Please click on this link to complete our Health & Permission Form. This only needs completing when members first join. Certain information is kept on My Scout which can be edited by parents when we need to know about any changes.
Meeting Times?
We meet once a week on Tuesdays between 7 and 9pm at the Scout Centre in Blenheim Road. During the lighter evenings we meet at our Boat Base in Wolvercote. We have the occasional week off during half term breaks but meet during the school summer holidays. There are lots of opportunities for Scouts to take part in additional activities and events at weekends.
What will it cost?
Weekly subscriptions are £4.00 of which £2.80 is paid to the group for upkeep of the Scout Centre and Boat Base. Parents are encouraged to pay online through My.Scout which eases administration time for parents and Scout leaders.
Gift Aid
When you pay your subscription, if you are a tax payer, then the subscription is paid out of income you have earned from which tax has been deducted. The government allows charities to reclaim this tax and for every £1 paid to us in subscriptions by a tax payer, the government will pay us 28p in return. This is a major fund raiser for Kidlington Scout Group, you just need to agree to gift aid your subscriptions by completing our Gift Aid Form and handing back to a leader ASAP.
The Sea Scout Uniform is a blue shirt, blue activity trousers, a Scout association belt, group necktie, leather woggle and a Seaman’s Cap. We have arrangements with Top Sports in Kidlington to stock most of these items. Caps can be purchased from the troop at a much discounted rate than through the Scout Shops priced around £20.00. We do sometimes have a few used items of uniforms, please ask if interested. There is a uniform section on the website.
Getting Started
Once new members feel ready to commit to the troop they can purchase their uniform and start working towards the Membership Award. There is no set time scale for this and can be done so suit each individual
It is understood that permission is given for Scouts to take part in activities during the normal meeting time that are in or around the meeting place. Sometimes permission is needed for events, outings or more adventurous activities at a different time or place.
Scout Leaders organise Troop meetings and additional activities. We are unpaid volunteers and all undergo Scout Association Training. Any support that anyone can offer is welcome and valued.