How to earn your award


  1. Take part in four different adventurous activities. At least two of these activities should be new to you and you should try to do them on at least two separate occasions. You could try:
    • abseiling
    • bellboating
    • canoeing
    • caving or potholing
    • climbing
    • cycling
    • dragon boating
    • gliding
    • hill walking
    • hiking
    • hovercrafting
    • orienteering
    • paragliding
    • pony trekking or horse riding
    • powered aircraft
    • pulling
    • rafting
    • sailing
    • snowboarding
    • stunt kiting
    • sub-aqua
    • surfing
    • water-skiing
    • windsurfing.
  2. Show how you have developed your skill and expertise in one of these activities. Show that you know the safety issues involved, and that you can use any equipment needed for the activity safely.
  3. Learn about any environmental issues caused by your activity. Take steps to reduce any harm to the environment.
  4. Research other ways you can take part, or develop your skills, in your chosen activities. Follow up your research with action!



Every individual  who undertakes an activity badge should face a similar degree of challenge and as a result some requirements may need to be adapted. It is completely  acceptable to change some of the requirements of the badges to allow individuals to access the badge (for example where there are special needs, cultural issues, or religious considerations to take into account) and the requirements outlined for activity badges do allow for some flexibility in order to obtain the badge. If you would like help or advice when considering adapting the requirements of a badge please contact UK Headquarters.